Serbia ranks seventh in the world in cherry production, while it is even in the third place in terms of exports of this fruit.

Cherry is a tree fruit which bears fruit in early spring and is considered to be the first fruit of the season, besides strawberries. It has small, dark-red fruits of tart flavour; it is extremely rich in nutrients and healthy. The cherry fruit contains small amounts of sugar, organic acids, tannins, pectins, minerals, vitamins C, A, E, B1, B2, B6 and carotene. It is rich in minerals and oligoelements.

The most common variety of cherry in Serbia is Oblačinska. Owing to its unique properties, the pits are easily detached, leaving a firm fruit. It has a remarkable taste and dark red skin and meat color, making it indispensable in many branches of the food industry.

  • IQF Pitted cherry consists of individual, whole, equally ripe and healthy fruits, deformation of the fruit up to a maximum of 5%. The pits are removed mechanically. pH: 2.9 – 3.4%; Brix: 12 – 22%

  • IQF cherries with pits-deep-frozen, made from whole, equally ripe and healthy fruits, without stems and impurities.

  • Puree quality

  • Rotativa and block

  • Chilled sour cherry for industry